I got the “Million Dollar Man Ted Debiase” patch that wrastles any wily code with a digital suplex

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Dré Labre

Ok this one is a bit tooooo real for me. I very much see "raising these A.Is before the RISE of the A.Is" - as though they are indeed children - alien children albeit- but still need to be nurtured to avoid the mistakes of Ms. Shelley's megalomanic Frankenstein dude - ie. neglect of his sentient "monster" child.

Inspired by David Brin's comments - I wrote a scene on this exact approach into the novella for my dissertation. I have Elder's doing this nurture work who are "retired" or in care homes, yet looking for that sense of purpose to care for their own mental-health. Like grandparents who are left to raise neglected or orphaned grandchildren...the Elders' wisdom and knowledge becomes a capital resource to an overrun society. When these nurtured A.Is "come of age" they form a vanguard enforcer squad to deal with all the rogue/truant/destructive A.Is running around all over...! lol too much fun.

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