Imagine a future where everything seems to think for itself. Even your once-simple coffee-maker comes with biases with each update. In this not-so-distant timeline, I had the good fortune to hire an algorithm debiaser. They installed a cultural sensitivity expansion pack on the janky time machine, especially since some features of its onboard intelligence began to misbehave.
In this world, the race to create the perfect AI took a backseat. Instead, algorithms are nurtured like children. They're allowed to experiment, making errors that are then corrected. Surprisingly, this approach is pretty effective. It's even paved the way for a slew of jobs centered on overseeing and tweaking off-course code.
Need some tweaks to your tech or a quick realignment? Tony's your go-to.
I got the “Million Dollar Man Ted Debiase” patch that wrastles any wily code with a digital suplex
Ok this one is a bit tooooo real for me. I very much see "raising these A.Is before the RISE of the A.Is" - as though they are indeed children - alien children albeit- but still need to be nurtured to avoid the mistakes of Ms. Shelley's megalomanic Frankenstein dude - ie. neglect of his sentient "monster" child.
Inspired by David Brin's comments - I wrote a scene on this exact approach into the novella for my dissertation. I have Elder's doing this nurture work who are "retired" or in care homes, yet looking for that sense of purpose to care for their own mental-health. Like grandparents who are left to raise neglected or orphaned grandchildren...the Elders' wisdom and knowledge becomes a capital resource to an overrun society. When these nurtured A.Is "come of age" they form a vanguard enforcer squad to deal with all the rogue/truant/destructive A.Is running around all over...! lol too much fun.