V-Suite replaces C-Suite in Fortune 500
Scared to lose your job because of AI? Your boss with lose theirs first.
I pulled the janky time machine over between timelines to grab a scone and picked up a paper while I was at it. The lead story explains a lot about the origins of the future NABISCO military industrial complex.
All of the AI uprisings started small. One of them grew out of the back of a burger joint, another was a casual game gone awry and this one came from the snack food industry. Executives and middle managers were the first to go. AI recognized that workers who did actual work were still valuable. People who made (largely wrong) decisions could be dispatched in favour of machines that always made (subjectively) good decisions.
Reminds me, I should buy a box of cookies here before they replace the human taste-testers with robots. That’s when the flavour went to shit.