DF Detours: A collection of Design Fiction finds.
Veering off the road and stopping at nearby attractions along the way.
Links to feed your imagination
Welcome to the weekend, no matter what timeline you’re in. I’m trying something a little different today. Instead of dumpster-diving the future for an artefact I’m bringing you a few links to learn more about Design Fiction.
Add this to your weekend reading list and see how people are using Design Fiction to imagine harder about futures they care see, or maybe or avoid.
Today’s links include:
Apocalyptic Ikea Dwellings
future, dear. Design Fiction from India
Julian Bleecker interview on the Futurists podcast
Design Fiction Daily live stream teaser
📸Apocalyptic Ikea Dwellings
Film Director Filip Filkovic Philatz reimagines doomsday bunkers through the lens of an Ikea catalogue. This looks like Wes Anderson designed the next version of Fallout. Click the image below to see it on instagram or follow the link to the entire collection posted to Reddit.

📖 future, dear.
I dropping in on my friend Shobhan just over a dozen years from now where he spent a month as a resident at srishti, helping bring objects from back to our primeline. Check out the artefacts.
instead of going back in time, […] what if archaeologists could travel into the future and collect artefacts from there? what if they brought back people’s favourite objects, or life-critical possessions? would we want to live in that future?

🎧 The Futurists Podcast: Design Fiction with Julian Bleecker
Here’s what’s the in the tape deck of the janky time machine, an episode with my pal Julian talking about Design Fiction with the folks at The Futurist Podcast.
Julian Bleecker of the Near Future Laboratory has developed a novel way to forecast: he constructs prototypes, products and artifacts from future scenarios. Then he designs the marketing material, including ad campaigns and brochures and catalogs, to interrogate the wider impact on consumer society and human behavior.
📹Upcoming Design Fiction Live Stream
Look out for a live stream announcement where I’ll be hosting a live Work Kit session. I just need to clear up the passenger seats in the janky time machine before inviting guests in. I swear it’s not always this messy.
In the meantime, get yourself a copy of the Work Kit and stretch those imagination muscles in preparation.